Mobile2020 has ended

Our project "More biking in small and medium sized towns of Central and Eastern Europe by 2020" (mobile2020) has ended. Read about our approach and achievements in our brochures "gaining momentum" and "keeping balance" or dive deeper into utility cycling with the mobile2020 handbook


get connected

Improving the conditions for cycling in local communities requires a good backing on higher political levels. Initiating and keeping up a discussion on national level also increases the outreach across the country. 

We aim to create national networks of cycling professionals, keeping in mind our focus of using bicycles for getting to work, shopping or travelling in the city to meet with friends or family. 

The national working groups established in the frame of mobile2020 shall not end their work with the end of the project. Mobile2020 shall only be the trigger to start a discussion process which continues independently after mobile 2020 has ended.



Links and addresses for cycling! This document will provide you with a collection of essential web links and addresses where can find out more about cycling in Central and Eastern Europe. Download the first edition here

Download PDF (400 KB)

Co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme of the European Union